More than ever before, employees are asking the companies they work for to take a stand and become actively involved in supporting environmental and social causes. The increasingly visible activism and social engagement of employees is in large part due to changes in technology and culture. On the technology front, internal messaging boards and personal […]
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How much does the personality of a CEO impact his or her decision-making and the performance of the firm? A team of researchers explored connections between the personality traits of more than 4500 CEOs and their investment and financing decisions and the performance of their firms. Their study offers a glimpse into how personality can […]
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A new survey from Stanford University’s Rock Center for Corporate Governance on how investors use information from corporate proxy statements reveals deep dissatisfaction with corporate disclosure about executive compensation. The survey, based on responses from 64 asset managers responsible for a combined $17 trillion — show that even the largest and most sophisticated investors find the […]
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The Stanford Graduate School of Business surveyed 924 directors of nonprofit organizations. Conducted in collaboration with BoardSource and GuideStar, the surveyed covered areas such as the engagement of directors, their understanding of a board’s obligations, and the governance structures and processes in place to help them fulfil their commitments. The results show that despite the […]
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