Should a board hire a former or current CEO from another company to become the new CEO? In the past, companies tended to promote new CEOs from within, ensuring that the new chief executive had the vital firm-specific experience needed to succeed. Today, however, more boards tend to believe that someone who has successfully navigated […]
Read More… from Why Previous Experience of New CEOs Makes Matters Worse!
The profile of leaders has changed over the decades, with a significant shift away from the notion of lifetime employment. The employee of the mid-twentieth century who climbed the ladder of progression to reach the top is a rare beast nowadays. Recent research shows how over the last 30 years the executive profile has evolved […]
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When companies choose their CEO, many opt for those with a proven record of success in their particular industry…nothing surprising there. This is a changing world, with increased burdens on business, the emergence of new markets, constantly-evolving technologies, and a general air of uncertainty about the future. A safe pair of hands at the helm […]
Read More… from Choosing a CEO: Safe Pair of Hands Vs Too Much Experience
International assignments are generally viewed as a positive thing to do, something to aspire to, and given today’s more globalised world, this kind of experience should hasten your progress up the corporate ladder. It may not be as simple as that, according to research from Monika Hamori of IE Business School and Burak Koyuncu of […]
Read More… from Top flight talent? The Value of International Assignments
This research examined the decisions of executives over whether to continue in their current roles or explore the new opportunities presented by a leading search firm. It found that 52% of the high-level personnel contacted agreed to be candidates for positions outside their company. Does this mean we have become less loyal as employees in […]
Read More… from Should I stay or should I go? The Power of Headhunters