
Energy & Performance: What Organizations Need to Understand to Unleash Them - Ideas for Leaders

Energy & Performance: What Organizations Need to Understand to Unleash Them

Energy & Performance: What Organizations Need to Understand to Unleash Them

People are the driving force of all organizations – but they can also be what holds performance back and dulls creativity. Prof Paul Brown is a distinguished neuroscientist, and will explain in this webinar that as we are driven by our neurobiology, our individual psychology is controlled by our emotional energy – so organizations need to harness that emotional energy to achieve high performance.

This webinar ran on Thursday 8th March, 2018 . You can listen to it online here.  

As always with IdeasforLeaders webinars, everyone who registered for the webinar, whether they attended the live event or not, received a recording of the webinar once it has run.